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Conference Proceedings

The 23rd ACPSS International Conference

High Point University, High Point, North Carolina, USA
October 20-22, 2017

Editor: OUYANG Ronghua

  1. 诗歌中的法律史─《抱冲斋诗集》所见清代刑官生涯志业
    CHEN Linghai (East China University of Political Science and Law)
  2. 中国--东盟视角下的壮剧跨境交流传播策略探究
    黄艺平 (广西艺术学院)
  3. 四套小提琴基础教材的比较研究
    李艺湘 (中山大学南方学院)
  4. 各时期小提琴左手技巧的重大突破
    李艺湘 (中山大学南方学院)
  5. Generative mechanism of the cultural confidence under the globalization context
    LIU Kejin (Communication University of China)
  6. 教育全球化的全景审视:变革中的机遇与挑战
    MAO Yu (Northwestern Polytechnical University, China)
  7. A Study on Reinhold Niebuhr’s Central Concern
    REN Xiaolong, SHAO Di, LI Lai (North China Institute of Aerospace and Engineering)
  8. Analysis on the Difference of Family Education between China and The U.S.A
    XIONG Xin, ZHANG Ce (School of Foreign Studies, Guangxi University of Science and Technology)
  9. Strategic communication in the global age: Social media and public relations
    YANG Yan (University of North Carolina, Greensboro), Sarah Bell TATE (High Point University)