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Conference Proceedings

The 24th ACPSS International Conference

Troy University, Montgomery, Alabama, USA
October 12-14, 2018

Editor: OUYANG Ronghua

  1. 丝绸之路沿线宗教文化多结构考察
    HAN, Zhongyi (Shaanxi Normal University)
  2. 由文化冲突到文化自觉-- 人类命运共同体理念的历史逻辑思考
    LI, Peifeng (Communication University of China)
  3. Construction on Theoretical Model and Indicator System of Competitiveness of Human Resources in Science and Technology at Metropolitan Level
    LIN, Xiqing (Metropolitan State University of Denver) and ZHENG, Linlin (Putian University, China)
  4. The Internet has become a new engine of cultural consumption in China
    LIU, Kejin (Communication University of China)
  5. 多元文化背景下中国电影如何“走出去”
    TAN, Yajing (Gannan Normal University)
  6. The Maxʧins in Xinjiang in the Mid 18th Century (in English)
    WANG, Qiming (Shaanxi Normal University)
  7. 18世纪中叶新疆社会中“玛哈沁”
    WANG, Qiming (Shaanxi Normal University)