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American Review of China Studies

American Review of China Studies (ARCS), peer-reviewed and published bi-annually, is official journal of the Association of Chinese Professors of Social Sciences (ACPSS) in the United States of America.

Editor-in-Chief: Li, Jieli (Ohio University)

Associate Editor: Zheng, Liren (Cornell University)

Associate Editor: Lu, Shuming (City University of New York at Brooklyn)

Associate Editor: Shan, Patrick Fuliang (Grand Valley State University)

Managing Editor: Luo, Tian (Ohio University)

Editorial Advisory Board (in alphabetical order)

Cochran, Sherman (Cornell University)
Miller, Merton H. (University of Chicago)
Perry, Elizabeth (Harvard-Yenching Institute/Harvard University)
Rosen, Stanley (University of Southern California)
Solow, Robert M. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Spence, Jonathan D. (Yale University)
Tu, Weiming  (Harvard University)
Editorial Board (in alphabetical order)
Chen, Jian (Cornell University)
Dong, Lisheng (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Han, Aiguo (Rowan University)
Hong, Junhao (The State University of New York at Buffalo)
Hua, Shiping (University of Louisville)
Huang, Shaorong (University of Cincinnati)
Li, Xiaobing (University of Central Oklahoma)
Lu, Hanchao (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Ouyang, Ronghua (University of North Florida)
Song, Jingyi (SUNY College at Old Westbury)
Sun, Tao (Nankai University)
Tian, Xiansheng (Metropolitan State University of Denver)
Wang, Yuesheng (Peking University)
Yang, Dali (University of Chicago)
Yang, Honggang (Nova Southeastern University)
Zhang, Jie (SUNY College at Buffalo)

Aims and Scope

Founded in 2000, American Review of China Studies (ARCS) has been dedicated to its long-standing mission of providing a platform for intellectual discourse and inspiration among academics and other professionals who are interested in the areas of China studies. ARCS publishes original theoretical and empirical research works, research notes and book reviews covering a broad range of China studies in the diverse disciplines of the humanities and social sciences. ARCS particularly welcomes submissions of critical and applied research using quantitative, qualitative, interpretative, historical and comparative methods.


ARCS is partially sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences of Ohio University. ARCS also gratefully acknowledges the assistance provided by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Ohio University.

Editorial Policy

American Review of China Studies (ARCS) only considers manuscripts written in English. All submitted manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review process before editorial decision is made on the paper’s suitability for publication. Authors are advised to avoid any identifying information in the acknowledgements, text, and references. The editorial board and the editorial advisory board assume no responsibility for statements and opinions expressed by contributors in ARCS.

Manuscript Preparation and Submission

Manuscripts are submitted with the understanding that they have not been published previously and are not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts should be prepared by following the APA style guide in the Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (6th edition, 2009). A research paper should not exceed 10,000 words in length including text, notes, and references. Each submission should contain an abstract of 150 words highlighting the central ideas of the paper and provide up to ten key words. A research note should reflect upon a particular topic and be about 5,000-6,000 words in length. A book review is limited to books published within the past two or three years (by the time of submission) and should be no more than 1,500 words in length. All submitted manuscripts must be double-spaced, numbered and formatted in Times New Roman 12-font and have 1-inch (2.5 cm) margins throughout the paper. On a separate page, personal biographical and contact information should be provided, including author’s name, affiliation, position, major area of research, phone number, and mailing and email addresses. Manuscripts that do not comply with the above requirements will be returned to the author(s) for rectification.

ARCS accepts online submission (either doc or pdf version). All manuscripts and inquiries should be sent via email to the journal’s editorial office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or through mail correspondence to executive editor, Dr. Jieli Li, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, 45701, U.S.A.

For more information about ARCS, please visit